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Showing 241–252 of 274 results

Antioch, Star of Bethlehem


Antioch, Syria, Augustus 27BCE-14 CE
AE [ 20 mm, 8.04 g, 12 h ], year 43 (12-13 CE)
Obverse: Laureate head of Zeus right.
Reverse: ANTIOXΕΩΝ ΕΠΙ ΣΙΛΑΝΟΥ; Ram running right looking at star behind, date ΓΜ below.
References: Butcher 57, BMC Galatia 63, RPC I 4268

Possibly commemorating the celestial event or “Heavenly Alignment” considered to be the “Star of Bethlehem”

Antioch, Star of Bethlehem


Antioch, Syria, Augustus 27BCE-14 CE
AE [ 19 mm, 7.56 g, 12 h], year 43 (12-13 CE)
Obverse: Laureate head of Zeus right.
Reverse: ANTIOXΕΩΝ ΕΠΙ ΣΙΛΑΝΟΥ; Ram running right looking at star behind, date ΓΜ below.
References: Butcher 57, BMC Galatia 63, RPC I 4268

Possibly commemorating the celestial event or “Heavenly Alignment” considered to be the “Star of Bethlehem”

Ephesus, Ionia; Bee


Ephesus, Ionia in Asia Minor, 375-325 BCE
AE [11 mm, 1.25 g, 12 h]
Obverse: Female head left (maybe Artemis or city tyche)
Reverse: Ε-Φ either side of bee.
References: SNG von Aulock 1839; SNG Copenhagen 256; BMC 68

A beautiful tiny coin from the city of the Temple of Diana and site of one of the earliest Christian Churches in Asia Minor

Tarsus, Cilicia; Tyche/Sandan


Tarsos Cilicia, 164-27 BCE
AE [20 mm, 5.23 g, 12 h]
Obverse: Turreted head of Tyche to right
Reverse: TARΣEΩN; Sandan standing on/behind mythical? Horned animal, lettering/monograms to left (CΑΝ ΦΛΙ ?)
References: sim. SNG France 1305 var?

Hometown of the Apostle Paul
Neat coin, can’t find exact reference with lettering to left of Sandan.

Domitian, Antioch Syria/SC


Domitian as Caesar?, Antioch Syria, 69-81 AD
AE [ 25 mm, 13.93 g, 6h]
Obv: Laureate head left
Rev: Large SC in laurel wreath.
References: RPC II 2016 ( or 2023)??

Domitian, Antioch Syria/SC


Domitian as Caesar, Antioch Syria, 69-81 AD
AE 21 [ 21 mm, 6.48 g, 6h], under Vespasian
Obv: Laureate head left, DOMITIANVS CAESAR
Rev: Large SC in laurel wreath.
References: RPC II 2017, McAlee 51, BMC 251-2

Antoninus Pius, Antioch Syria/SC


Antoninus Pius, Antioch Syria, 138-161 AD
AE AS [22 mm, 8.49 g, 6h]
Obv: Laureate head right, star under chin, legend around edge.
Rev: Large SC, ε above, eagle below, within wreath
References: RPC IV 7004, BMC 324, 330, McAlee (Pius) 8

Tarsus, Cilicia; Zeus / Club


Tarsus (Tarsos) Cilicia, 164-27 BCE
AE 17 [18 mm, 6.64 g, 6 h]
Obverse: Club within wreath, TP monogram to right
Reverse: TARΣEΩN; Zeus seated left holding Nike, crescent and star in left field
References: SG 5675, BMC13

Hometown of the Apostle Paul

Tarsus, Cilicia; Tyche/ “Pyramid”


Tarsus (Tarsos), Cilicia, circa 164-27 BCE
AE [22 mm, 6.91 g, 12 h]
Obv: Turreted tyche facing right
Rev: Sandan standing right on horned, winged animal, within a pyramidal monument surmounted by an eagle, ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ to right, monograms to left
References: SG 5672, etc

Hometown of the Apostle Paul

Thyatira, Lydia Apollo/Axe


Thyatira, Lydia in Asia Minor, circa 164-30 BCE
AE [16 mm, 3.45 g, 12h ]
Obv: Laureate head of Apollo right.
Rev: ΘΥΑΤΕΙ / ΡΗΝ-ΩΝ; double sided axe (bipennis)
References: BMC 6-7, SG 4743, SNG vonAulock 3199, SNG Cop 571.

Philippi, Macedon / VIC-AVG


MACEDON, Philippi. Civic issue. Time of Claudius to Nero(?), circa 41-69 AD. AE [20 mm, 5.00 g, 6 h]
Obv: Victory standing left on base, holding wreath and palm; VIC-AVG across field
Rev: COHOR PRAE PHIL, three standards.
References: RPC I 1651, SNG Copenhagen 305

Nicer than most, great detail on standards, a little off center though

Khusru II Drachm


Khusru II – Sasanian Empire of Persia (AD 590-628)
AR Drachm [32 mm, 4.12g]
Obv: Bearded bust of Khusru II right, wearing winged crown with star and crescent, symbols outside double border
Rev: Fire altar with an attendant either side, triple border, Pahlavi script and lettering.

Under Khusru’s reign, Jerusalem fell in 614 AD. The Holy Sepulchre was destroyed and the “True Cross” carried off to Ctesiphon.