Biblical Reference Cities

Showing 25–36 of 42 results

Thyatira, Lydia; Apollo/Axe


Thyatira, Lydia in Asia Minor, circa 164-30 BCE
AE [15-17 mm, 4.08 g, 12h ]
Obv: Laureate head of Apollo right.
Rev: ΘΥΑΤΕΙ / ΡΗΝ-ΩΝ; double sided axe (bipennis)
References: BMC 6-7, SG 4743, SNG vonAulock 3199, SNG Cop 571.

Smyrna, Pseudo-Autonomous; Senate


Ionia, Smyrna. Pseudo-autonomous
Time of Philip I, 244-249 AD
AE [24 mm, 7.17 g, 12h]
Obv: IEPA CYNKΛΗΤOC; Draped bust of the Senate right
Rev: CMYPNAIΩΝ Γ ΝΕΩ / ΚΟRΩΝ; Two nemeses standing facing each other

Tarsus, Cilicia; Tyche/ “Pyramid”


Tarsos, Cilicia, circa 164-27 BCE
AE [19-21 mm, 8.16 g, 12 h]
Obv: Turreted tyche facing right
Rev: Sandan standing right on horned, winged animal, within a pyramidal monument surmounted by an eagle, ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ to right, monograms to left
References: SNG Lev 940 ff var

Hometown of the Apostle Paul

Ephesus, Severus Alexander


Ionia, Ephesus. Severus Alexander, 222-238 AD
AE [19-21, 8.16 g, 6h]
Obv: Laureate, draped bust right
Rev: EΦECIEΩN, stag walking right.
BMC 321
Planchet crack at 4h

Philippi, Macedon; Augustus


MACEDON, Philippi (uncertain). Under Augustus 27 BC-14AD
AE [17 mm, 4.04 g, 6 h]
Obv: AVG; bare head of Augustus, right
Rev:Two priests ploughing, right.
References: RPC I 1656, BMC[Parium] #86-88

Philippi, Macedon; Augustus


MACEDON, Philippi (uncertain). Under Augustus 27 BC-14AD
AE [17-18 mm, 5.58 g, 6 h]
Obv: AVG; bare head of Augustus, right
Rev:Two priests ploughing, right.
References: RPC I 1656, BMC[Parium] #86-88

Philippi, Macedon / VIC-AVG


MACEDON, Philippi. Civic issue. Time of Claudius to Nero(?), circa 41-69 AD. AE [18 mm, 4.14 g, 6 h]
Obv: Victory standing left on base, holding wreath and palm; VIC-AVG across field
Rev: COHOR PRAE PHIL, three standards.
References: RPC I 1651, SNG Copenhagen 305

Philippi, Macedon / VIC-AVG


MACEDON, Philippi. Civic issue. Time of Claudius to Nero(?), circa 41-69 AD. AE [18 mm, 4.54 g, 5 h]
Obv: Victory standing left on base, holding wreath and palm; VIC-AVG across field
Rev: COHOR PRAE PHIL, three standards.
References: RPC I 1651, SNG Copenhagen 305

Ephesus, Ionia; Bee


Ephesus, Ionia in Asia Minor, 375-325 BCE
AE [11 mm, 1.25 g, 12 h]
Obverse: Female head left (maybe Artemis or city tyche)
Reverse: Ε-Φ either side of bee.
References: SNG von Aulock 1839; SNG Copenhagen 256; BMC 68

A beautiful tiny coin from the city of the Temple of Diana and site of one of the earliest Christian Churches in Asia Minor

Tarsus, Cilicia; Tyche/Sandan


Tarsos Cilicia, 164-27 BCE
AE [20 mm, 5.23 g, 12 h]
Obverse: Turreted head of Tyche to right
Reverse: TARΣEΩN; Sandan standing on/behind mythical? Horned animal, lettering/monograms to left (CΑΝ ΦΛΙ ?)
References: sim. SNG France 1305 var?

Hometown of the Apostle Paul
Neat coin, can’t find exact reference with lettering to left of Sandan.

Domitian, Antioch Syria/SC


Domitian as Caesar?, Antioch Syria, 69-81 AD
AE [ 25 mm, 13.93 g, 6h]
Obv: Laureate head left
Rev: Large SC in laurel wreath.
References: RPC II 2016 ( or 2023)??

Domitian, Antioch Syria/SC


Domitian as Caesar, Antioch Syria, 69-81 AD
AE 21 [ 21 mm, 6.48 g, 6h], under Vespasian
Obv: Laureate head left, DOMITIANVS CAESAR
Rev: Large SC in laurel wreath.
References: RPC II 2017, McAlee 51, BMC 251-2