Biblical Reference Cities

Showing 37–42 of 42 results

Antoninus Pius, Antioch Syria/SC


Antoninus Pius, Antioch Syria, 138-161 AD
AE AS [22 mm, 8.49 g, 6h]
Obv: Laureate head right, star under chin, legend around edge.
Rev: Large SC, ε above, eagle below, within wreath
References: RPC IV 7004, BMC 324, 330, McAlee (Pius) 8

Tarsus, Cilicia; Zeus / Club


Tarsus (Tarsos) Cilicia, 164-27 BCE
AE 17 [18 mm, 6.64 g, 6 h]
Obverse: Club within wreath, TP monogram to right
Reverse: TARΣEΩN; Zeus seated left holding Nike, crescent and star in left field
References: SG 5675, BMC13

Hometown of the Apostle Paul

Tarsus, Cilicia; Tyche/ “Pyramid”


Tarsus (Tarsos), Cilicia, circa 164-27 BCE
AE [22 mm, 6.91 g, 12 h]
Obv: Turreted tyche facing right
Rev: Sandan standing right on horned, winged animal, within a pyramidal monument surmounted by an eagle, ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ to right, monograms to left
References: SG 5672, etc

Hometown of the Apostle Paul

Thyatira, Lydia Apollo/Axe


Thyatira, Lydia in Asia Minor, circa 164-30 BCE
AE [16 mm, 3.45 g, 12h ]
Obv: Laureate head of Apollo right.
Rev: ΘΥΑΤΕΙ / ΡΗΝ-ΩΝ; double sided axe (bipennis)
References: BMC 6-7, SG 4743, SNG vonAulock 3199, SNG Cop 571.

Philippi, Macedon / VIC-AVG


MACEDON, Philippi. Civic issue. Time of Claudius to Nero(?), circa 41-69 AD. AE [20 mm, 5.00 g, 6 h]
Obv: Victory standing left on base, holding wreath and palm; VIC-AVG across field
Rev: COHOR PRAE PHIL, three standards.
References: RPC I 1651, SNG Copenhagen 305

Nicer than most, great detail on standards, a little off center though

Sardis, Lydia Herakles/Amphora


Sardis, Lydia in Asia Minor, after 133 BCE
AE [14 mm, 3.66 g, 6h]
Obv: head of Herakles to right, wearing a lion skin, within a circle of dots
Rev: ΣΑΡΔΘ / ΑΝΩΝ; either side of amphora, within wreath.
References: SNG Cop #469