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Showing 1–12 of 16 results

Domitian, Antioch Syria/SC


Domitian as Caesar, Antioch Syria, 69-81 AD
AE 21 [ 21 mm, 4.82 g, 12h], under Vespasian
Obv: Laureate head left, DOMITIANVS CAESAR
Rev: Large SC in laurel wreath.
References: RPC II 2017, BMC 252

Antioch, Star of Bethlehem


Antioch, Syria, semi-autonomous during reign of Augustus 27BCE-14 CE
AE [ 19.5 mm, 6.77 g, 12 h ], year 43 (12-13 CE)
Obverse: Laureate head of Zeus right.
Reverse: ANTIOXΕΩΝ ΕΠΙ ΣΙΛΑΝΟΥ; Ram running right looking at star behind, date ΓΜ below.
References: Butcher 57, BMC Galatia 63, RPC I 4268

Possibly commemorating the celestial event or “Heavenly Alignment” considered to be the “Star of Bethlehem”

Antioch, Star of Bethlehem


Antioch, Syria, semi-autonomous during reign of Augustus 27BCE-14 CE
AE [18.5 mm, 6.47 g, 12 h ], year 42 (11-12 CE)
Obverse: Laureate head of Zeus right.
Reverse: ANTIOXΕΩΝ ΕΠΙ ΣΙΛΑΝΟΥ; Ram running right looking at star behind, date BΜ below.
References: Butcher 56, BMC Galatia 62, RPC I 4266

Possibly commemorating the celestial event or “Heavenly Alignment” considered to be the “Star of Bethlehem”

Antioch, Star of Bethlehem


Antioch, Syria, semi-autonomous during reign of Augustus 27BCE-14 CE
AE [ 19 mm, 7.17 g, 12 h ], year 43 (12-13 CE)
Obverse: Laureate head of Zeus right.
Reverse: ANTIOXΕΩΝ ΕΠΙ ΣΙΛΑΝΟΥ; Ram running right looking at star behind, date ΓΜ below.
References: Butcher 57, BMC Galatia 63, RPC I 4268

Possibly commemorating the celestial event or “Heavenly Alignment” considered to be the “Star of Bethlehem”

Constantine I / Hand of God


Constantine I (posthumous)
AE 4 [15.5 mm, 1.36 g, 5h]
Date: 337-340 AD, Antioch
Obverse: DV CONSTANTINVS PT AVGG; veiled head of Constantine to right
Reverse: Constantine in quadriga right, with the hand of God extending out of the sky to receive him, SMANZ.
References: Van Meter 95



Constantine I (the Great), Roman Emperor, 306-337 AD
AE 3 [17.5 mm, 2.50 g, 5h]
Date: 310-337 AD, Antioch
Obverse: CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG: Laureate head of Constantine to right.
Reverse: GLORIA EXERCITVS: Constantine standing right, leaning on shield and holding spear. SMANA
References: Van Meter 81.

Antioch, Star of Bethlehem


Antioch, Syria, Augustus 27BCE-14 CE
AE [ 20 mm, 8.04 g, 12 h ], year 43 (12-13 CE)
Obverse: Laureate head of Zeus right.
Reverse: ANTIOXΕΩΝ ΕΠΙ ΣΙΛΑΝΟΥ; Ram running right looking at star behind, date ΓΜ below.
References: Butcher 57, BMC Galatia 63, RPC I 4268

Possibly commemorating the celestial event or “Heavenly Alignment” considered to be the “Star of Bethlehem”

Antioch, Star of Bethlehem


Antioch, Syria, Augustus 27BCE-14 CE
AE [ 19 mm, 7.56 g, 12 h], year 43 (12-13 CE)
Obverse: Laureate head of Zeus right.
Reverse: ANTIOXΕΩΝ ΕΠΙ ΣΙΛΑΝΟΥ; Ram running right looking at star behind, date ΓΜ below.
References: Butcher 57, BMC Galatia 63, RPC I 4268

Possibly commemorating the celestial event or “Heavenly Alignment” considered to be the “Star of Bethlehem”

Domitian, Antioch Syria/SC


Domitian as Caesar?, Antioch Syria, 69-81 AD
AE [ 25 mm, 13.93 g, 6h]
Obv: Laureate head left
Rev: Large SC in laurel wreath.
References: RPC II 2016 ( or 2023)??

Domitian, Antioch Syria/SC


Domitian as Caesar, Antioch Syria, 69-81 AD
AE 21 [ 21 mm, 6.48 g, 6h], under Vespasian
Obv: Laureate head left, DOMITIANVS CAESAR
Rev: Large SC in laurel wreath.
References: RPC II 2017, McAlee 51, BMC 251-2

Antoninus Pius, Antioch Syria/SC


Antoninus Pius, Antioch Syria, 138-161 AD
AE AS [22 mm, 8.49 g, 6h]
Obv: Laureate head right, star under chin, legend around edge.
Rev: Large SC, ε above, eagle below, within wreath
References: RPC IV 7004, BMC 324, 330, McAlee (Pius) 8

Constantine I / Hand of God


Constantine I (posthumous)
AE 4 [15 mm, 1.42 g, 6h]
Date: 337-340 AD, Antioch
Obverse: DV CONSTANTINVS PT AVGG; veiled head of Constantine to right
Reverse: Constantine in quadriga right, with the hand of God extending out of the sky to receive him, SMANA mint
References: Van Meter 95, Sear RCV #3889